Desde 2017, estive presente todos os anos em Buenos Aires para participar do evento, que sempre me suepreende com o ótimo nível dos materiais apresentados pelos palestrantes.

Na busca por algumas palestras específicas que gostaria de assistir novamente, resolvi organizar todas as “charlas” por categoria, ajudando aqueles que se interessam por assuntos específicos. 😉


Playlist por categoria

Application Reverse Engineering

Pwned in Translation - from Subtitles to RCE by Omri Herscovici & Omer Gull

The Java soothsayer: A practical application for insecure randomness vulnerabilities. -Alejo Popovici


Automatic bugfinding for the blockchain - Felipe Manzano & Josselin Feist

Car Hacking

Inseguridad en alarmas para vehiculos - Leandro Ferrari

The Bicho: An Advanced Car Backdoor Maker - Sheila Berta & Claudio Caracciolo

Hardware Hacking

Turning hard disk drives into accidental microphones - Alfredo Ortega

Internet Of Things (IoT)

Hacking Robots Before Skynet - Lucas Apa & Cesar Cerrudo

Industrial Control Systems

Industroyer: biggest threat to industrial control systems since Stuxnet - Robert Lipovsky

Malware Analysis

Ruler - From Exchange to DA by Etienne Stalmans


Blue Pill for your phone - Oleksandr Bazhaniuk

Bypass Android Hack - Marcelo Romero

Inside Android’s SafetyNet Attestation: Attack and Defense - Collin Mulliner

Unbox Your Phone - Exploring and Breaking Samsung’s TrustZone Sandboxes - Daniel Komaromy

POS (Point of Sales)

Get to the Money: Hacking POS and POP Systems - Dmitry Chastuhin

OS Reverse Engineering

Abusing GDI for ring0 exploit primitives: Evolution - Nicolas Economou

How to cook Cisco: Exploit Development for Cisco IOS - George Nosenko

The Apple of your EFI: An analysis of the state of Apple’s EFI Security Support - Rich Smith & Pepijn Bruienne

The “Bird” That Killed Arbitrary Code Guard - Alex Ionescu

Threat Intelligence

Rusos, chinos, y todos los que se vengan - Luciano Martins & Ruth Barbacil

TOR Exit Nodes en la justicia Argentina

Voting Systems

(In)security of e-voting in Brazil - Diego Aranha

No es una impresora, es una maquina de voto HD - Ignacio Losiggio

Panel Voto Electronico

Web Application

FIESTA: an HTTPS side-channel party

Wireless Security

802.11 Protocol Chaos - Andres Blanco


eko13 - 2017 - Cierre ekoparty security conference #13